The Commander Of The Morning Prayer (Atlantic Sunrise)

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Written By: Kimberly Daniels

Narrated & Edited By: Mercenary Tech

Produced By: Kingz Court Entertainment

The Prayer & Scripture References:

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I rise early to declare Your Lordship!

I get under the covering and anointing of the early riser. I
come in agreement with the heavens to declare Your Glory!
Lord release the mysteries unto me to bring heaven down
to the earth. The stars (chief angels) are battling on my
behalf ahead of time. My appointed times have been set by God
in the heavens. I declare spermatic words that will make contact
with the womb of the morning and make her pregnant. At sunrise
the dawn will give birth to the will of God and light will shine on
wickedness to shake it from the heavens. At twilight my enemies
will flee and newly founded spoils will await me at my destination.
My Destiny is inevitable!!

O God, let my prayers meet You this morning. I command the
morning to open its ears to me and hear my heart. Let conception
take place that prayer will rain and be dispatched upon the earth
to do your will. I command the earth to get in place to receive heavenly
instructions on my behalf. My lands are subdued! I command all elements
of creation to take heed and obey! As my praise resounds and the day
breaks, the earth shall yield her increase unto me. I declare that the first
light has come!

The firstfruit of my morning is holy, and the entire day will be holy.
I prophesy the will of God to the morning so that the dayspring (dawn)
will know its place in my days. I decree that the first light will shake
wickedness from the four corners of the earth. The lines (my portion)
are fallen on my behalf in pleasant (sweet, agreeable) places, and I
have a secure heritage.

I am strategically lined up with the ladder that touches the third
heaven and sits on the earth. The angels are descending and
ascending according to the words I speak. Whatever I bind or
loose on the earth is already bound or loosed in heaven.
Revelation, healing, deliverance, salvation, peace, joy, relationships,
finances, and resources that have been demonically blocked are
being loosed unto me now! What is being released unto me is
transferring to every person I associate myself with! I am
contagiously blessed!

As I command the morning and capture the day, time is being
redeemed. The people of God have taken authority over the
fourth watch of the day. The spiritual airways and highways
are being hijacked for Jesus. The atmosphere of the airways
over my family, church, my community, my city, my state, my nation,
the world, and me is producing a new climate. This new climate is
constructing a godly stronghold in times of trouble. The thinking
of people will be conductive to the agenda of the kingdom
of heaven. Every demonic agenda or evil thought pattern
designed against the agenda of the Kingdom of heaven is
destroyed at the root of conception in Jesus's name!

I come into agreement with the saints; as I have suffered
violence, I take by force! No longer will I accept anything that is
dealt unto me in my days. I declare that the kingdom has come
and the will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
As the sun rises today, let it shine favorably upon the people
and the purpose of God. Destiny is my portion daily because
I have no thought for tomorrow. I am riding on the wings of
the morning into a new day of victory. God, You separated the
night and the day to declare my days, years, and seasons.
I am the light of the earth, and I have been separated from darkness.
This light declares my destiny!
